Reward merits

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:May 2011 Update

Thanks for the link. That proposal is unfortunately very vague, and almost describes what we already have, apart from the demand for more teeth. I don't see much use in the distinction between "not be a mere matter of popularity, but a proven track record should be there"; that is already taken into account in current RfAs. (Mike seems to raise this point below, and I will respond to that there.) SebastianHelm 02:26, 26 May 2011 (UTC)

SebastianHelm02:26, 26 May 2011

It does not describe what we have, it describes something that does not exist, and, yes, the details have not been filled in (that would be premature). The basic problem is, firstly, that it can be gamed (becoming a popularity contest), and, secondly, that Wikipedia users tend to hate anything that smacks of authority. I suppose it could be made to work, but it will be a time-consuming process. - Brya 06:04, 26 May 2011 (UTC)

Brya06:04, 26 May 2011