Goals for increased diversity of participation

Goals for increased diversity of participation

Edited by 3 users.
Last edit: 20:59, 24 January 2010

Different ideas, perspectives, and communication patterns will provide the projects with more talent. These benefits are seen in two areas:

  • problem solving
  • creativity

Cultural diversity increases problem-solving capabilities. No single person has the knowledge to resolve many of the problems we face. Diversity in culture on Wikipedia/Wikimedia will create valuable new approaches to problem solving. We steer towards traditional "either/or" thinking, while other cultures can make and develop diverse options to hard problems(John Oetzel, 215-216) .

  • Teams of people who are exposed to a wide range of opinions and perspectives, including beliefs that are different from our culture can make decisions and resolve problems better than teams of people not exposed to other opinions from people from other cultures(John Oetzel, 215-216).
  • Study's show the quality of ideas produced by culturally diverse groups are on average 11% higher than groups of culturally homogeneous people (McLeod, Lobel, & Cox, 1996).Cozzycovers 14:57, 21 January 2010 (UTC)


John Oetzel, "Intercultural communication: a layered approach", Person Education (2009) 215-216.

Graph on quality of ideas in teams of people (McLeod, Lobel, & Cox, 1996)
Cozzycovers06:22, 21 January 2010

Definitely agree that diversity would improve our content, and our ideas overall. Different perspectives are always a good thing, even if you just end up reinforcing your original perspective in response.

Randomran16:33, 21 January 2010

This is very true., 23 January 2010