Planned closing of Wikimedia Strategy

Fragment of a discussion from Village pump/en

When I say closing wiki, I never say to delete all content.

~~EBE123~~ talkContribs23:00, 17 November 2011

Is the reason for closing Strategy is because its not being utilized? I'm wondering what benefit we get from closing Strategy? I believe that Strategy could be used at some future point, and we could re-open it. Just wondering what the reasoning is here. Thanks. - Hydroxonium (TCV) 19:18, 18 January 2012 (UTC)

Hydroxonium (TC)19:18, 18 January 2012

Why closing the strategic planning of all Wikies? Writing down and translating of all knowledge of human beeings must go on. In future know-how must be free to all countries in all languages of the world. So, don't close it.

Hermann Winkler Siemens11:40, 27 January 2012