Case studies/Baidu and Hudong
Media report
- It's tricky for wikis and online encyclopedias in China (, October 15, 2009)
Search engine data
We can also compare the Google index on the two site:
Forum discussion
- 什么吸引你用维基而不是百度百科或者微软百科?(In Chinese) Why you use Wikipedia but not Baidu or Encarta?
- Full-coverage of English Wikipedia and the quality is very good
- Fast update
Quality of content
- Unified and good style of articles
- Useful and verifiable references
- Photos in page is interesting
- No biased content, No AD, Neutral point of view
Category system
- Precise categories
- Restricted policy on copyright
- Different perspective from different language
- Useful for terms translation
- Practice English
- Talk page is interesting
- Defined policies and guidance
- No Censorship
- Non-profit
- Freedom, diversity and justice
User Survey on Comparison
On influence
How many references to Wikipedia, Baidu Baike and Hudong in other websites
Other websites | Wikipedia | Baidu | Hudong | Comments |
Douban | 21,100 Refs | 638 Refs | 63 Refs |
1,870,000 pages in total |
Blogbus | 11,900 Refs | 4,040 Refs | 403 Refs | 34,500,000 pages in total |
Tianya | 11,500 Refs | 18,700 Refs | 577 Refs | 2,150,000 pages in total |
Mop | 296 Refs | 1,160 Refs | 62 Refs | 5,990,000 pages in total | | 1,935,829 Refs | 4,380,617 Refs | 230,278 Refs | 468,469,093 pages in total(search "的") |
How many news reports on Wikipedia, Baidu Baike and Hudong in
On articles
Coverage analysis

The above 60 articles can classified into below categories:
- Only find in Wikipedia: 4 articles - 小教授三号, 北梭鱼目, 天瀚科技, 邦乔飞
- Only find in Baidu: 6 articles - 三国帮, 符存审, 后塍起义, 林作铨, 澳大利亚南极洲急变带, 鲍家坡村
- Only find in Hudong: 0 articles
- Both in Wikipedia and Baidu: 8 articles - 细尾蛇鮈, 萤幕阅读器, 杭州湾环线高速公路, 段素隆, 昭显世子, 柳博芙·加尔金娜, 盲肠线, 耶律希亮
- Both in Wikipedia and Hudong: 1 articles - 电话骗案
- Both in Baidu and Hudong: 13 articles - 狼牙山, 菲利普斯, 地皇, 查恩盘虫, 无地农民工, 补血, 跳伞, 余皑磊, 陈振濂, 氙灯, 王尚荣, 张乃凤, 江可宗
- In Wikipedia, Baidu and Hudong: 28 articles - 杜琼, 自治县, 练市镇, 黄河文明, 短身间吸鳅, 百度Hi, 舒门, 被子, 雅尼, 布朗, MP4播放器, 坐月子, 教授, 大叶黄杨, 绩效管理, 奥兹·奥斯彭, 杜如晦, 店铺, 木偶, 埋伏, 西装, 邵力子, 汤山, 礼花, 邓石如, 原子钟, 陈启泰, 祝融
Then we can conclude below result:
- Chinese Wikipedia is the smallest by the size, and Baidu is the biggest. (W:B:H = 40:55:42)
- Baidu and Hudong have their own way to develop contents
Gap analysis
Totally 1918 articles is absent in Chinese Wikipedia
- Contemporary Chinese people: 林作铨, 陈振濂, 张乃凤, 江可宗
- Mordern Chinese history: 后塍起义, 王尚荣
- Popular culture in China: 三国帮, 余皑磊
- Traditional Chinese culture: 地皇, 补血
- Geographical entry: 鲍家坡村, 狼牙山
- Scientific or technological terms: 澳大利亚南极洲急变带, 氙灯
- Sports:
菲利普斯(菲利普斯 is just a surname, see 德怀特·菲利普斯, 凯文·菲利普斯 etc.), 跳伞 - Contemporary Chinese society: 无地农民工
- Historical people: 符存审
- Biography: 查恩盘虫
On copyright infringement
On Google rankings
- First ranking of Wikipedia: 12 articles - 小教授三号, 细尾蛇鮈, 屏幕阅读器, 北梭鱼目, 杭州湾环线高速公路, 短身间吸鳅, 天瀚科技, 舒门, 柳博芙·加尔金娜, 邦乔飞, 被子, 耶律希亮
- First ranking of Baidu: 35 articles - 杜琼, 自治县, 练市镇, 黄河文明, 段素隆, 百度Hi, 昭显世子, 盲肠线, 雅尼, 布朗, 狼牙山, 地皇, 查恩盘虫, 三国帮, 教授, 大叶黄杨, 符存审, 后塍起义, 林作铨, 鲍家坡村, 杜如晦, 跳伞, 余皑磊, 木偶, 埋伏, 西装, 氙灯, 邵力子, 汤山, 礼花, 王尚荣, 邓石如, 原子钟, 陈启泰, 祝融
- First ranking of Hudong: 2 articles - 张乃凤, 江可宗
- All Mismatched: 11 articles
On categories
On policies
On Communities
A summary of Hudong's outreach activity is available at Xinzhishe (New Knowledge Groups). Over the past two years, these include:
- About 30 public speeches by invited scientist, professionals, and activists
- About 40 events or gatherings for different purposes
- A special project for teachers to promote the usage of Wiki in education
They also sponsor many volunteer groups in China in exchange for promoting Hudong using their logo.[1]
Hudong's 教师星光计划, teachers, either in high school or universities and colleges, are very useful resources for wiki's development, for both contributors and readers perspective, because teachers can be good contributors themselves, and teachers can influence many students to read wikis.
see /Google SEO
- ↑ User:Mountain's post.