Wikimedia Foundation Strategic Leadership Essential

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:May 2011 Update

Thinking about strategy is only useful if the results are implemented top-down. If the Foundation does not take action (of some sort) there is no point in thinking about strategy. That is basic.

Given the nature of the Wikimedia enterprise there is not all that much that the Foundation can actually do, but probably more than it is doing now. - Brya 06:04, 3 June 2011 (UTC)

Brya06:04, 3 June 2011

Management by suggesting and hoping does not work: Instead, management requires direct leadership to develop "implementation plans" to turn broad goals into tangible milestones, which can be tracked on "en:milestone charts". Setting the strategic goals is an important first step, but there must be active leaders, to convert the goals into actual front-line results. Wikipedia is not an "adminocracy" of busy mop-sweepers who, suddenly, become experienced leaders of implementing major changes in Wikipedia (or other project) structures. Specific leaders must be designated, within the total management structure. Recall the major activities of management:

  • Planning - such as strategic planning
  • Organization - to define workable structured groups
  • Control - by defined lines of control and responsibility
  • Staffing - to assign leaders and workers into specific roles
  • Directing - to remind people of the tasks (or milestones) to be accomplished.

Getting experienced people to participate, as assigned leaders, is crucial to turning wishful goals into actual front-line results.

Wikid7715:45, 5 June 2011