results of work in strategywiki

results of work in strategywiki

Good day, Erik. I'm trying to write a coursework about strategy planning, and I can't find any official results of work in this wiki, although it was planning for 2010-2015, and now is 2011 (this is marked as a draft). Pavel Kaganer, Deputy Director of WM-RU, said me that he haven't official results too, and he want it for translating in Russian, because of journalists are interested in it. Can you help us with these results, please? regards,

Lvova Anastasiya09:13, 1 February 2011

Hi Lvova,

we're currently in the final review of a PDF version of the strategic plan which distills a lot of the information on this wiki and represents the Board-approved plan. It should become available within the next couple of weeks. Until then, the draft you linked to is the best available summary.

Eloquence18:57, 1 February 2011

Thanks a lot, Erik! We'll be waiting :)

Lvova Anastasiya09:33, 2 February 2011