"You Tube" type Possibilities for advance learning and creativity, and many other Topics

"You Tube" type Possibilities for advance learning and creativity, and many other Topics

Visit the Link , Wikiversity:Colloquium/Gaon Yincang Abhinava... For more Material.--Gaon Abhinava 03:44, 30 August 2011 (UTC)

Virtual Music Composition

1) Combine the Music Composition programs, of Composing/recording music and create the Virtual School in wikiversity, where students can express their Musical Talent. Write albums, Scores, Symphonys, Join virtual Bands with people from across the world etc... all from the convenience of their Phone or Screen platform, that can access W. V. , 24/7.

2) Create a "You tube" type Wikiversity class room, with a link, where students can submit created videos for school projects, educational resources, and watch teachers Lectures etc... Videos will go through a very strict Screening process to Filter out, any Propagandic, Innapropriate, Obscene, offensive or other wise Mentally Damaging Information, we want to be Smarter and Free as Students, and Not become Manipulated by clever, deceptive, evil Psychology etc.. If they fail the screening process, material will be rejected, and Proper, Logical, Productive disciplinary Actions will be taken, The student being subjected to Having different Degrees of School Participation Removed. ( there is allot of details to discuss ) We aren't here to play mind games, We are here to Learn, encourage, and Grow... Together, And Dissention and Disruption will not be Tolerated.

Overseers:'Career Position for info. Screening.'

I also Propose the Creation of an Online Virtual Career Position, The Information awareness and assessment of the "Over-Seer", they have to, see over, any Information submited to Wikiversity that Would Sabotage it's Structure, or disrupt True learning, This is an Important Job, and the selection process would be strict also..... are you a future Over-seer ?

They Will Study the many aspects of the submissions, in detail, acting as a brain filter, to recognize possible Malicous intention, which is always the origin for Atrocity, and we will plan to Prevent that non-sense, straight at it's roots.--Gaon Abhinava 11:37, 29 July 2011 (UTC)

Melodic Expression Videos

Students can Learn to Dance, By watching the Videos of Dance Lessons, on their Phone/Virtual Screen, and Mimic/practice the movements they are viewing. This would be fun and Expressive, thus Making Wikiversity the best Distance Education Provider on earth.--Gaon Abhinava 08:31, 29 July 2011 (UTC)

( Note )

Any Combination of software ideas that would simplify and Produce Mind Growth, or enhace cyber security, should be discussed and Utilized simplisticly, effectivly stream lining wikiversity as the Top global Innovater.--Gaon Abhinava 08:31, 29 July 2011 (UTC)

Questions, Comments, Welcomed--Gaon Abhinava 08:39, 29 July 2011 (UTC)

Visit the Link , Wikiversity:Colloquium/Gaon Yincang Abhinava... For more Material.--Gaon Abhinava 03:44, 30 August 2011 (UTC)

Gaon Yincang Abhinava05:23, 31 August 2011