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Leaving the strategy planning project

Leaving the strategy planning project

I am about to leave this project... nothing really moves forward here. Call me when things start taking off again...

Kozuch16:26, 21 February 2010

I think everyone needs clarifications about what the current phase in this process is supposed to achive.

Dafer4516:33, 21 February 2010

Yeah, it seems to me like most of the work is done. Now would be an okay time to leave. No one has really spelled out a next step, let alone a long term mission for this process. Seems like we're really just waiting for the foundation to do its thing with the recommendations we prepared.

Randomran17:29, 21 February 2010

There still few areas lagging behind like the BLP Task Force but most Phase 1 work is done. We are at sorting/grouping the recommendations to make something something coherent & cohesive out of them. That's finishing touches.

This is a good moment to take a break.

KrebMarkt19:52, 21 February 2010

Agreed, I was under that impression too. This is part of the reason why I'm not nearly as active on strategy as I used to be. The ball is in the Foundation's court right now; there's not a lot we can do until they take action with the prepared recommendations and stuff. Nice work getting the project to this stage so quickly though. (I'll still be lurking and watching RC for vandalism though, not going away completely :-))

Tempodivalse [talk]23:08, 21 February 2010

Hi everyone! Apologies for my absence from the wiki. I'm really glad to see the recent activity, and I'm ready to jump back into the fray. Some updates and thoughts:

First, I've been participating in many meetings at the Foundation about strategy, including the February board meeting, and you can absolutely be sure that both the staff and the board are seriously listening to and benefiting from the work done here. I can pass along feedback from those meetings, but I think people at the Foundation need to engage here themselves. Part of the problem has been that the staff (as always, overworked) has been particularly busy the past few months, with preparation for the board meeting and new staff coming on board. I am pushing really hard to get a few additional people from the Foundation to start actively participating here.

Second, there are two things that need to happen here. We need to take the discussion and feedback from the process so far and start crafting a set of movement-wide recommendations. That is what this group is for. A big part of that is identifying who should do what (i.e. the movement roles conversation). I think there's been somewhat of a culture here that the Foundation would decide these questions, and the Foundation definitely needs to and will take a stand on what it should be involved with, but ultimately, we need to decide these questions.

We also need to take some of the great work here and turn it into a platform for action. That has already started. We now have two ad hoc task forces started by people here on this wiki, and I know of at least one more being discussed. We also have a huge number of proposals, and I think we can do a better job of organizing those proposals, possibly with the help of some tools. I hope we can get a group of people together to work on this, and Kozuch, I think you would be great at leading it.

I'll be posting many more thoughts this week. Let me know if you have additional thoughts or questions. Thanks again!

Eekim16:16, 23 February 2010

Hi Eekim, we need to change the platform. This wiki has been a special place in a way, but not simple enough to show where we need to go. We really need to tweak it in a http://www.getsatisfaction.com/wikipedia way. Otherwise, there will not be participation and the whole project is doomed. We need tools, tools, tools. Developers, developers, developers.

Kozuch18:10, 23 February 2010

Wouldn't it make sense for the people who designed the recommendations to start outlining who should do what? A lot of the task forces already started on this, but might not have had time to work out the specifics.

Randomran18:46, 23 February 2010

That's sort of the movement roles discussion that Eekim was mentioning: what's the path to implementation? To whom does the project belong? I think that makes perfect sense...

~Philippe (WMF)19:20, 23 February 2010