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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:May 2011 Update

It's a pretty plain question. You agree we hit a plateau. We think it's due to some kind of failing or missed opportunity that requires strategic action. You think it's an inevitability. What are you doing here then? I'm naive enough to waste my time fighting the inevitable. What's your excuse?

Randomran23:10, 6 June 2011

OK, think I finally understood what you mean. My point is that a plateau is not always evil. (I will not go into theoretical discussions of why here). What I am doing here is not just idly socializing, but considering how to ensure for the plateau not to turn into a decline or slippery slope or something worse. And this also requires strategic action. Like, how to run fast enough for just to stay in place. :-) P.S. I don't know what you meant under the word "here" in your question, but in my reply it means "in this talk page".

Altenmann02:17, 9 June 2011