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1 and 2 are spot on; 3 you might replace with "a Strategy group of community members (say, starting with this task force) looks at them and picks ones that the community can work with." ; 4 is a good idea, and we should plan the next wave of strategy-related announcements (but this requires good crisp suggestions from 3); and 5 you should replace with "Ideas implemented and owned by community members/volunteers, with WMF blessing/support."

This is for strategy for the entire movement.

One of the three strategic priorities for the Foundation is to better support and invest in innovation, including new types of community projects; expanding the sorts of blessing/support currently provided through chapter grant requests -- which gets at parts of your 4 and 5. But there's a lot going on, so the best support will come to projects that are clearly organized and run and know what sort of support they need. [that's equally true when recruiting new contributors.]

Sj15:31, 3 March 2010