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Proposal:Office in Africa

From Strategic Planning
Status (see valid statuses)

The status of this proposal is:
Request for Discussion / Sign-Ups

Every proposal should be tied to one of the strategic priorities below.

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  1. Achieve continued growth in readership
  2. Focus on quality content
  3. Increase Participation
  4. Stabilize and improve the infrastructure
  5. Encourage Innovation


Africa is often overlooked and often forgotten, I believe that Africa has a rich heritage of Knowledge, Library of Alexandria, was the Largest libraries of the ancient world. All people love knowledge and I believe that with sufficient knowledge, we can change the way the Continent is perceived and how we in turn perceive ourselves.

For Centuries the rich History of Africa has been hidden from the outside world, People believe that Africa is all about wars, sickness and poverty. There is no reliable window in which people can observe the unbias portray of the African man and his society. Wikimedia in this light might be that five years development strategy that will give Africa the true image it represents


Open offices in major African cities with volunteer workers in the field to give a live coverage of the day to day life as well as understanding and sharing an in-dept knowledge of it's history


I am motivated by what Wikimedia has already done uptill date and i believe that if it keeps this pace this goal can be reach

Key Questions

Are there any strategic plans for Africa?

Potential Costs

On voluntary basis

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