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Evaluation/2009 August

From Strategic Planning
What we did well What we could do differently
  • Wikimania 2009 and the board meeting went really well.
    • Prepared (w/ the exception of not having a sign-in sheet)
    • Discussion went well
    • Took deliberate time to get-to-know people
  • Phase 2 fleshed out well
  • Process of getting the Task Force started
  • Happy w/ number of proposals submitted
    • Community filing structure is good
  • Engaged significantly larger number of people than we did in July
  • Pretty much on schedule, which was very aggressive
  • Could handle proposals better
    • Been more reactive than proactive
    • Still don't have way to separate tactical and strategic; waiting for Dynamic Page List
    • Haven't done great job of driving discussion about proposals
  • Be more proactive
    • Putting together stuff on running your own strategy discussion
    • Offer more guidance in the Wiki process
  • We need to be more aggressively transparent
  • Still need to be aggressive outreach, especially developers, readers, developing countries, WMF staff

Goals for September

  • Shifted conversations away from proposals and into the next phase
  • Successful roll out of Phase II (Task forces)
  • Get more people involved