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Nonprofit revenue comparison

From Strategic Planning

Wikimedia Strategy Plan 2009-2010 The following table shows the revenues, by source, for a few non-profits. Some were selected because of the amount of revenue they bring in; this gives an idea of how much potential there might be to grow donations. Others were selected because of similarities they might share with us. Another purpose is to see the various sources of revenue and the percentage each revenue source is of the total. It would be great to get data from some more organizations, particularly those between the $20MM and $100MM level. It would also be interesting to see more info from organizations which have a “chapters” model; I could only find financial info for Greenpeace USA not for Greenpeace International.

Disclaimer, numbers are rounded and rough; percents are rounded so may add up to more than 100%. In cases where revenue is separated into unrestricted/temporarily and permanently restricted, I only took the unrestricted amounts.

Unrestricted revenues Nature Conservancy 2005 in '000sUSD % of Total Revenue Save the Children in 000sUSD % of Total Revenue Mozilla in 000sUSD % of Total Revenue Greenpeace USA on 000sUSD % of Total Revenue EFF in 000sUSD % of Total Revenue
Contributions-ops 99,400 130,285 47 18,593 2,174
Contributions-endow 800
Contributions-land 185,033
Contributions-goods/svcs 8,584
Total contributions 293,817 50% 130,285 39% 47 0% 18,593 100% 2,174 64%
Membership revenue 967 28%
Govt grants 112,290 19% 108,737 33%
Investment income and/or g/l fr investments 139,907 24% 6,218 2% -5,050 -6% 77 2%
Royalties/fees 22,098 4% 83,600 106% 40 0%
Other 21,498 4% 87,960 26% 205 6%
Total unrestricted revenue not including amts released from restriction 589,610 333,200 78,644 18,633 3,423