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Proposal:Chronologically Lewis (a major resource for the biography of C. S. Lewis)

From Strategic Planning
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Request for Discussion / Sign-Ups

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This resource would list everything that Lewis ever did according to printed sources.


This chronological listing would serve as a resource to Lewis scholars, which is a growing field, and provide much detail both for biographers and other authors who wish to know what was going on in Lewis's life at any point in time.


To advance Lewis scholarship in a way that others can contribute.

Key Questions

Do events in the life of Lewis connect with his writings? Can we see major areas of thought taking shape years in advance of his writings?

Potential Costs

None that I know of.


Biographies of C. S. Lewis Collected Letters, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 All My Road Before Me (Lewis's diary, 1922-27)

Link to the Wikipedia article on the life of C. S. Lewis.

Community Discussion

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