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Proposal:Develop cooperation model with educational publishing companies

From Strategic Planning
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Request for Discussion / Sign-Ups

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Develop a model for cooperation with educational publishing companies.


The markets of some educational publishing companies may be threatened by open educational resources.

  • Is there room for meaningful cooperation?
  • Is cooperation desirable at all?
  • What are possible models for cooperation?


Schools in developed countries are likely to prefer standardized content that has the approval of an audit committee but using some content from Wikimedia projects is likely to be interesting and become more interesting at least for some teachers. In countries where schools strongly prefer standardization Wikimedia projects are no competition for educational publishing companies and cooperation may be quite possible and may even be desirable for educational publishing companies.

Key Questions

  • Should the Wikimedia Foundation aim to preserve market niches?
  • Can educational publishing companies offer services that refine Wikimedia publications in ways that make them more useful for school use while preserving some source of revenues for the publishers?
  • Are there meaningful models for working with educational resources created by publishers in Wikimedia projects? Is that desirable?
  • What are the situations in different countries?

Potential Costs


Community Discussion

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