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Proposal:International Wikimedia Chapters Network

From Strategic Planning
Status (see valid statuses)

The status of this proposal is:
Request for Discussion / Sign-Ups

Every proposal should be tied to one of the strategic priorities below.

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  1. Achieve continued growth in readership
  2. Focus on quality content
  3. Increase Participation
  4. Stabilize and improve the infrastructure
  5. Encourage Innovation


The establishment of an "International Wikimedia Chapters Network" for the various Wikimedia Chapters. This can be considered a sub-proposal of Make Wikimedia scale.


The body will be formed upon ratification by a majority of the boards of the Wikimedia Chapters.

Each chapter will designate a single person (either the chapter's lead officer or another person so designated by the chapter), who will represent the chapter in issues that come before the body.

The body will have a rotating 6-month organizational presidency, held by different chapters in turn.


To increase communication, cooperation and representation, both among the chapters and between the chapters and the Wikimedia Foundation.

Presently it is not possible for chapters to make even a non-binding joint statement on any issue without separately having resolutions going through every chapter board, a months-long process if it can be completed at all.

Key Questions

  • What is the status of sub-national chapters?
  • How will we accommodate the future growth of chapters?
  • What is the force of resolutions passed by the representatives? Will they have moral force only, or something more?
  • Should the network take a role in approving new o existing chapters?
  • Should the network use a new (non-WMF) logo/name?
  • Is this the way the Wikimedia movement as a whole can do advocacy (e.g. lobbying on EU, see Green paper on "Copyright in the Knowledge Economy", Google Book Search Settlement Agreement hearing on September 7, 2009; or ONU/UNESCO/WIPO), without involving the WMF in roles which can damage its charity status? See also Proposal:Go beyond the Wikis.

Potential Costs

  • Volunteer time


Community Discussion

Do you have a thought about this proposal? A suggestion? Discuss this proposal by going to Proposal talk:International Wikimedia Chapters Network.

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