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From Strategic Planning
Status (see valid statuses)

The status of this proposal is:
Request for Discussion / Sign-Ups

Every proposal should be tied to one of the strategic priorities below.

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  1. Achieve continued growth in readership
  2. Focus on quality content
  3. Increase Participation
  4. Stabilize and improve the infrastructure
  5. Encourage Innovation


WikiCiti is: (1) the most complete and unbiased city-guide available to every part of the world and (2) it will be the most comprehensive guide to the question "what was once here?"


WikiCiti will integrate interactive maps, to show the time progression of how land has been used over time. It will default to the current use of land (i.e. commercial, industrial, etc.) and what specific business is located on a piece of land. NO residential land will be tracked, in terms of who currently resides on the land. But the business use of land will have a Wiki of the specific business that is on the land right now, what types of products they sell, and etc. There will even be a link to the business' website which may be used for click-through profits for the Wikimedia Foundation.

A person types in a particular business in a particular city and instantly the specific businesses Wiki emerges with pictures, possibly a menu with a star review system for every specific dish, and a previous list of all of their dishes with reviews (this may actually be a motivation for businesses to bring back products that people really like). If someone lives in a particular place and they want to see what types of businesses have been in their area in the past (i.e. major industrial buildings), they may change their decision to buy. This will be a comprehensive catalog of all the businesses that have been in a particular area over time by using year pages to show what was on the land before that business. It can be organized by zip codes which is a pretty standard system of organization for most states and it may actually serve as a motivation for other states to adopt a similar system.


Globally-accessible catalog of land-development. A repository for no-kidding reviews of specific restaurants and businesses. Provide possible revenue stream for Wikimedia Foundation.

Key Questions

Will we need to get permission for business postings? How do we integrate the maps? Will developers be willing to spend the time to build the zip-code city maps? Are the zip-code city maps already available and can they be donated by municipalities from across the world?

Potential Costs

Extra storage space, probably will greatly expand current requirements due to map data. Could possibly generate revenue if we can generate money from click-through. (NO Direct Advertising)


Community Discussion

Do you have a thought about this proposal? A suggestion? Discuss this proposal by going to Proposal talk:WikiCiti.

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