Summary:Talk:Strategic Plan/Goals/Number of speakers and participation

From Strategic Planning

Participation Goals

  • Goals should be at a micro level than at a macro worldwide level.
  • Participation goals should include things like "burn rate" and "join rate"
  • Stable Wikipedias will naturally lose active contributors because there is less stuff to contribute
  • Language diversity is critical
  • We don't know how much is enough or how few is too few. Intuitively, we do know that you need some critical mass to have a stable project.

Quality Goals

  • What does it mean to be the "sum of all knowledge"?
    • Be conscious of other types of knowledge besides Wikipedia content
  • Do we want so many people getting their information from one source?
    • Fulfilling the Wikimedia vision does not mean that all knowledge has to come from Wikimedia.

Reach Goals

  • Be careful of imperialism regarding the Global South.

In General

  • Simply taking current numbers and multiplying them doesn't have a lot of predictive validity.