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Task force/China/Interview (surveys) with Chinese bloggers/Partnership Suggestions

From Strategic Planning

Oliver Ding

a. 举行维基百科条目翻译计划,联络不同的细分社群,例如Web 2.0社群,让他们参与Web 2.0相关条目的翻译,充实和扩充。

Take a project on translations, contact with related online community, make them get involved in the process.

b. 可以指定某个人或某2-3个人来翻译某个条目,而后在维基百科的中国团队BLOG上,宣传这些翻译和个人小组,通过推广个人贡献的方式,来激励大家参与条目翻译。

Assign tasks to a small group of 2-3 members to translate certain articles, and then post them in the blog to spreading the article and the group; We can motivate the team in this way.

c. 邀请细分社群的领导者,参与维基百科的志愿者会议。

Invite leader of external community to join the gathering of Wikipedia's volunteers.

d. 鼓励志愿者在编写中文原创条目时,引用中文高品质源内容的来源,并在中国团队BLOG上,对这些高品质内容来源进行推广。(p.s. TEDtoChina过去就想到开展一个TED演讲人维基百科条目翻译计划的构思,后来没有做。)

Encourage member to reference high quality content, and give some introduction on the good sources in the blog (Translator: so that we can build good relationships with others) (p.s. TEDtoChina used to plan a project to translate the background information of the TED speaker)


如我前面所说,应该在大学和研究机构推广维基百科。Jimmy Wales如果有机会来华,应该继续与政府沟通,进一步阐释维基百科的非意识形态化的原则。此外,还应该到大学去,与老师和学生直接对话,培养自己的基础用户群。不过,维基百科在国内的推广,注定是一项艰苦而长期的工作,不放弃每一个机会,让用户了解它,使用它。

Just as what I said in previous section, Wikipedia should promote itself in universities or research institute. If Jimmy Wales have another chance to visit China, he'd better keep the communication process with the government to make it clear that Wikipedia is not a ideological tool. Also, it is better to speak directly to teachers and students in universities to cultivate the contributor base. But, the promotion work in China, is bound to be a difficult and long-term task; don't lose every chance to make people come to understand it and use it.



I suggest to cooperate with schools, Wikipedia is the best tool for learning and studying, and the students is the best audience.