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Task force/Financial Sustainability/Weekly Report 02

From Strategic Planning

Task Force Weekly Report: week of 2009-<date>

Task Force Name:

Report of Activities

During this week, we: During this week (week of Dec 7), we:

Discussed various revenue sources including chapters fundraising, endowment income and advertising revenue. Discussed the scalability of fundraising; our current annual plan is for revenues of $10MM, the larger NGOs have revenues in the $50MM to $100MM range. Strong correlation between amounts spent on fundraising and revenue raised. More notes are available in the liquid threads discussion.

Planned activities for next week

Please be specific and aggressive. It is okay to roll activities from week to week if necessary.

Meeting number 2 to continue discussions of questions and identification of any additional information/research needed.

Resources needed

To complete our work, this task force needs the following resources or assistance:

Analysis of revenue sources of top 5 relevant non-profits; what percentage of revenue is donations, endowment income, sponsorships, investment income, etc.?

Interview results with organizations that have a chapter structure; how do things work financially, what is the staffing structure of the chapter organizations, how much do chapters contribute in relation to the whole, what do they get in return?

Table/chart of Wikimedia chapters fundraising results over last 3 years


This week, this task force wishes to recognize for their assistance the following users:

Other comments


Our notes or documentation can be found at:

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