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Task force/Wikipedia Quality/Weekly Report 03

From Strategic Planning

Task Force Weekly Report: week of 2009-December 21 (ends Dec 27)

Task Force Name: Wikipedia Quality

Report of Activities

During this week, we: 1) Continued discussion of selected points and the brainstorming; started to deliver more specific recomendations; 2) Compiled the beta-version of recommendations and started to discuss it.

Planned activities for next week

1. Continue discussing recommendations; 2. Continue discussing specific points which eventually may result in roadmaps, to be a supplement to general recommendations.

Resources needed

Involvement and dedication of task force members; the activity was somewhat lower last week (presumably due to holidays).


This week, this task force wishes to recognize for their assistance the following users:

The task force members who participated in the discussions are FT2, Slrubenstein, Randomran, Woodwalker, KrebMarkt, and myself. We also got suggestions from Brya, Dafer45, Eekim and TylerT, as well as useful feedback from Philippe.

Other comments


Our notes or documentation can be found at:

So far, the discussions continue here: Talk:Task force/Wikipedia Quality. The recommendations which are a sub-tread are discussed here Talk:Task_force/Wikipedia_Quality#Recommendations.2C_attempt_1_2478.

Submitted by:Yaroslav Blanter 11:49, 28 December 2009 (UTC)