A New Global Language Needs to Be Collaborated With a Worldly Effort

A New Global Language Needs to Be Collaborated With a Worldly Effort

If we all worked together to contribute to the new book of life, we could solve the communication boundaries between all countries. We could bring the text books in to all the newly revamped schools and bring freedome of education and worldly knowledge to our new generation of children so that they can learn to tear down all of the walls of indifference and respect and understand the love of humanity. With a universal language that was completely new, no one country would have to be forced to learn one nations words. I think it would be a great social project and could bring up some good points of interest for many years to come. I have already started it and i call it

Magnakar09:02, 14 March 2011

If this text book is in a non-online format and is going to appear in libraries is schools and presumrely on sale in shops² then this is a idea beyond wikipediamedia. Also it is defeating the object of a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Mcjakeqcool Mcjakeqcool 00:16, 18 March 2011 (UTC)

Mcjakeqcool00:16, 18 March 2011