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SJ, my concerns are less about any specific project or even resources than they are about a strong view on my part that success comes from focus and that every project, no matter how small it seems, ends up taking board/management/staff/technical/volunteer resources so we have got to have some sense of prioritization and system for making tradeoffs. Otherwise we'll end up spreading our resources too thin to succeed where it really counts. Everything is finite -- even volunteer energy! Of course I recognize the calculus is very different in a volunteer-driven organization where we could arguably have a huge amount of volunteers left to inspire/evangelize, but even the act of inspiration/evangelism requires finite resources (e.g. outreach) so we have to pick and choose carefully to try our best to ensure maximum achievement of the mission.

Stu00:54, 20 March 2010

Actually, I would even more worry about volunteer resources. An interesting question is the following. Imagine someone (typically a WP editor) wants to create a certain project, but the creation withing the WMF umbrella is impossible. What happens then? He/she stays on WP; creates a project outside WMF and leaves WP for the lack of time; creates a project outside WMF and shares his/her time between the project and WP? Would this change if the problem could be created inside WMF? I do not know the answers.

Yaroslav Blanter09:07, 20 March 2010