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China and Africa

I'm also saddened to see that Africa isn't a priority. Whether this is a right or wrong decision I wouldn't like to say, since I do not have even the experience of running a small business, so what $8m gets you in practice I couldn't even begin to speculate. Obviously priorities have to be decided. I just hope that Africa's time comes in 2015 when, perhaps, there will be such an explosion in Africa of mobile devices that it is seen as a valuable population to then target.

I'm also disappointed with the decision on China, however I'm somewhat mollified in that it ties in with Google's recent decision and perhaps (sort of) boycotting a nation might yield positive results. On the other hand, if we don't make a determined effort to get a foot in the most populated nation on earth now, maybe we never will get a decent presence there... I hope it's not a decision we later regret.

Bodnotbod13:52, 20 January 2010