data and analysis

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:JohnF

Thanks John. I figured some of my ideas weren't very feasible. An informal survey could give us a starting point. I think a lot of us have some casual understanding of the problem, but my hope is to have something a bit more scientific. Instead of a long-term study (which would take a lot of time and analysis), maybe we could do a sample? Look at a random 20 one-shot users, and examine their edits. Then compare it to a random 20 users who have contributed 10-100 edits, and see if their first edits were noticeably different in some way? I wouldn't know the first thing about finding those users, and picking a random sample. But I know the analysis could be relatively quick and easy once we found our sample. Randomran 21:00, 29 October 2009 (UTC)

Randomran21:00, 29 October 2009

Interesting thoughts!

I wonder if this kind of analysis is an absolute necessity. We know that the new editors' edits are being reverted at high rates, which is the issue we're wrestling with here, but importantly (in my eyes), we know that the revert rate for every type of editor (experienced, inexperienced, etc.) is increasing. That, to me, suggests a broader trend of unfriendliness (as opposed to declining quality).

What do you think?

JohnF21:08, 29 October 2009

It's hard to get to a specific solution without identifying the specific problem. I think that some of it is generally unfriendliness. But we want know if the hostility is in a particular topic area. It would also be helpful to know if people are being reverted under the guise of enforcing one particular policy, or if they're being reverted on the whim of a few jerks. And where are they most likely to be reverted -- featured articles, stub articles, popular articles, or what? And are these edits even reasonably useful? I think we want to work on how we treat new users and socialize them into Wikipedia's culture, but it's hard to know what we need to work on with more specifics. It will be a lot of subjective arguments of "I think they hate what I hate", versus "no, I think they hate what *I* hate". It would genuinely be helpful to see what it is that the 100-edit editors are doing differently than the 1-edit editors, so that we can figure out how to close the gap.

Mostly thinking out loud. We may be stuck with the data we have, and we can still do a lot with just that.

Randomran21:33, 29 October 2009

Ah, I see your point. Knowing the malady better will help to tailor a better solution. You got my attention, in particular, with where new editors are being reverted--stubs, long articles, and so on.

Do the other task force members have contacts/ideas along these lines?

JohnF21:46, 29 October 2009

I'm not sure. You could ask them. Part of the problem of being a veteran is a lot of your contacts end up being at least intermediate level, and it's hard to get more than a few anecdotes about the experience of new users. But if someone knew how to sort out some 1-shot users from 2009, and some other 10-100 edit users from a similar time period, I'm confident I could bang out an analysis pretty quickly. You'd just need a random sample of 20, and a quick comparison of their edits. I've seen pages like this. But it would be much more interesting to look at new users who survived, and compare them to new users who didn't. It would also be more interesting to look at editors with more than 100 (or even 1000 edits) who haven't edited recently, and look at their last slew of edits.

Randomran21:55, 29 October 2009