Gaps in recommendations: How to increase participation in under-represented group?

Fragment of a discussion from Village pump/en

Thanks a lot for sharing this, the discussion section has captured some of the real issues which are serious blockers for wikipedia's growth in Indian languages. Even with out questioning the importance of Indian language content in wikipedia it can be said that the context is very different in India, below are few points worth considering for strategy formulation.

  1. The typical internet users demography do not overlap the demography of people who is inclined to work on local languages (typical to India).
  2. There is a high readership of Indian languages not because of inability with English, but because of the nature of content (read geographically and culturally relevant content)
  3. Majority of the growth of Indian content has to come from non metro/urban users and it has to be backed up by strong offline efforts like community participation, involvement with mainstream primary and secondary education system., 29 January 2010