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Proposal talk:Be conservative and progressive

From Strategic Planning

Machine translation: Wikipedia content summary reproduced disadvantages of classical encyclopedias. It is important to take the advantages of classical encyclopedias, but to overcome their disadvantages. [edit]

Proposal 1 Let us ask ourselves: Is there knowledge that is not recognized in traditional encyclopedias than knowledge? What would this kind of knowledge? How does it differ from "pseudo distinguished"? - This one-sided play a role, which arose as a result of printing, including valuation of certain sensory perceptions to others; only Aufschreibbares regarded as knowledge and others (see below Ref. 1). 2. NPOV reconsider. The NPOV concept is based on a philosophical tradition that has had longer in question (white, Western, patriarchal). 3. Up to the social and political influence from Wikipedia clearly and avoid accordingly to support dominant ideologies. For example, should be organized for wiki administrators training so that they can act politically, socially responsible manner. There are currently, most frighteningly naive. [edit] Motivation [edit] Political censorship Including:Articles about people who have done in the Nazi resistance, were suppressed by saying these people are too unknown or there was no reference in literature recognized. Why many people are well known? It has political reasons, including the impact of funding for studies. Properly conducted studies of lay people need to be considered even if it ignores prevailing historiography. [edit] Including unconscious sexism: denial of a non-sexist language in German. This is Mackertum combined with political naivete (see below Ref. 2). [edit] NPOV The pseudo-claims "Who is in a very emotional relationship to a particular topic, should refrain from participation in the relevant subject area, not to undermine the neutrality." is discriminatory. Instead, Wikipedia will help to cultivate practices that contribute to "interested parties" to involve their knowledge (the "Non-affected" may largely have not). The claim "If they exist, are the different positions are shown on a topic without referring even position.Means described in relation to issues that human, that an inhuman position will be taken. Göttähnliche out a vision comes from outside of the human and the inability to sense the force exerted in order (see below Ref. 3). NPOV would be given a real If instead, the principle would be applied: subjects that describe the human, will be described in the description, in principle, all people can take, ie the neutral position here is not beyond the descriptive to, but from within: it is the position on everyone could put the while he / she wanted (without him here to share unconditionally). NPOV violent pseudo-definitions should remain available on Wikipedia, if they comply with dominant ideologies, or are claimed to be neutral in traditional encyclopedias. But it should be NPOV-added definitions. [edit] Example: Current delusion Wikipedia Definion is about: The term represents a delusion conviction, which is 1 or logically inconsistent wohlbestätigtem knowledge about the real world contradicts and 2maintained despite contrary evidence is because the personal confidence of people affected is so strong that she rationally are no longer accessible. An NPOV definition would be about: The concept of delusion is called an individual belief, the 1st dominant beliefs about "reality" contradicts and 2 is maintained, even though this leads to social isolation. [edit] Social effects of free encyclopedia Wikipedia that influenced the spread and normalization of certain terms, the society is insufficiently reflected. [edit] Example: Sexual abuse of children * Sexual abuse of children (now Wikipedia-term - for political reasons, most common) observation perspective: A B has successfully taken on any item. B's response can be described as a cause / effect relationship: "... led to ..." means a removal of the effects * Sexual abuse of children (more frequent use) person perspective: A has tried to make B into a subject.B self-response options have help as development of alternative response options * Sexual violence against children (rarely use)-person view: B's subject status is not questioned. It mainly comes to a particular form of violence, not sexuality. Who can be a fact, both "violent" and "sex" be? [edit] Cooperation with political organizations, Bertelsmann is a political, anti-democratic organization. Hence the question: Would Wikipedia content really NPOV, they were still interesting for Bertelsmann? [edit] Key questions can be formed a kind of commission that organizes that 1 of cultural upheaval, the Wikipedia encyclopaedia is opposed to classical, and 2 Questions unwanted political positioning of Wikipedia in favor of dominant ideologies are adequately analyzed and addressed the associated problems? [edit] Potential Costs Probably no, but a lot of work.
