Talk:Emerging strategic priorities/ESP 3 key questions/What role does Wikimedia have to play in educational content? What content beyond encyclopedic content can/should Wikimedia provide?
Latest comment: 15 years ago by Mbrad
- One could develop curricula for different subjects or aim to motivate projects to publish content suitable for existing curricula in different nations. (See: wikiversity:Curriculum symposium) --Fasten 20:06, 21 October 2009 (UTC)
- MediaWiki training
- Reading groups
- Open creative space for students who want to use MediaWiki for project prep and presentation
- Research development, documentation, publication
- Lesson plans, handouts, quizes etc
- School, institution, family, groups, individual portals into Wikimedia generally
- Development of open reusable assessment methods for for trans-national trans-institution use in accreditation for learning done through open education
- In my opinion the educational content more diverse than normal encyclopedic content. Users who look after good educational content for example in languages have realy different expectations some look for vocab lists, some for multipla choice tests, some for language training similar to games and so on. Wikimedia should provide a platform wiht low restrictions so a huge variaty of content can be submitted. Google Knol is a good example for this. Secondary Wikimedia should promote this platform in schools and universities so a critical mass of contributors can be found. --Carl Steinbeißer 10:42, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
- The Wikimedia Foundation should provide learning pathways through the sum of all knowledge available via its sister projects. Whilst all sister projects may provide specific learning projects, Wikiversity is the project specifically dedicated to education at all levels, from pre-school through university and beyond. Jtneill 14:52, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
- The entire role that education plays in terms of content seems to be that it organizes it. It structures it by cumulative relationships amongst content (what must be learned before what), and breadth relationships (what may commonly provide context and facilitate creative use of content). It also organizes repetition of the subject (an essential feature of the learning process). While organization of information may constitute meta-content, the creation of means of repetition (ie. quizzes, assignments, use of earlier subjects in examples) may count as unique content. Mbrad 00:27, 22 December 2009 (UTC)