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Task force/Other task forces

From Strategic Planning

Proposed Task Forces

Beginning - Task force/BLP - This task force has been formed to evaluate and come to recommendations regarding Biographies of Living People.

Proposed - Task force/Africa

Proposed - Supporting current projects - How should Wikimedia best support current projects such as Wiktionary, Wikibooks, and Wikisource, with tools, interfaces, outreach and partnerships? How can the collected Projects help one another grow and develop into a healthy ecosystem? What can be learned from the successes and failures of smaller Projects? When should be projects be closed, and are there good alternatives to closing them?

Proposed - Adding new types of media - What are opportunities for expanding the types of media and data we cover? This can include code, maps, mathematical models and graphs, chemical and biological models, charts, layered graphics, multi-track music and video, and structured data. How would changing the media we support change what is possible with our current Projects? What new projects would it enable? Does this change the interpretation of the media in Wikimedia?

Proposed - Adding new types of collaborative tools - What sorts of knowledge collaborations require interfaces and tools that aren't currently possible with MediaWiki? What possibilities are there to expand the range of tools developed or considered part of the Wiki in Wikimedia?

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