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Task force/Reader Conversion/Weekly Report 01

From Strategic Planning

Task Force Weekly Report: week of October 28-Nov 4, 2009

Task Force Name: Increase contributions from readers and under-represented groups

Report of Activities

During this week:

  • We were invited to participate in the Task Force.
  • Four members of the group linked to themselves on the Task Force Page
    • Netmouse (Anne Murphy):
      • Initiated some discussion on her Strategic planning User page and Livejournal to solicit comments from a mixed group of wikipedia editors and noneditors.
      • Read several pages from the fact base, reviewed the Task Force Page and links from it
      • Investigated more closely the current deletion policies and processes as described in the en.wikipedia.
  • Eugene and Philippe invited Anne to facilitate the task force.
  • We started using the Discussion tab of our main page to discuss the first couple of questions from the Task Force page.
  • We started to identify useful data to examine about these questions, including doing a cross-compare of the english wikipedia editing behavior pattern with developmental patterns for wikipedia in other languages.
  • Thomas planned two unconferences (Nov 18th and 25th) to take place in São Paulo, Brazil on related topics; Philippe will attend on behalf of Wikimedia Strategy.

Planned activities for next week

  • get all members of the task force listed on the task force page.
  • try to engage more members of the task force with the first question, What is the goal of increasing participation?
  • examine the question of how we will know if the task force succeeds.
  • have all members of the group look at the Template for writing up strategic recommendations to structure thinking about our eventual output.
  • start discussion of questions 3 & 4 from the mandate.
  • continue to read the references linked to: expand reading list
  • identify what resources or assistance we need to address the questions we are raising.

Resources needed

To complete our work, this task force needs the following resources or assistance:

  • Anne has requested access (in database format) to data on page deletions in a way that lets them be cross-references to editor behavior and retention.


This week, this task force wishes to recognize for their assistance the following users:

Other comments

Hey Task force members, feel free to add particular details about what you've been doing this week!


Our notes or documentation can be found at:

(We need to organize this yet)

Submitted by: Netmouse 22:40, 5 November 2009 (UTC)