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What do we agree on?

Yes, I'm afraid I only gave that a score of four. I only listed those I gave a five or above. Apologies if it is one that you worked on and/or are a supporter of.

My feeling about it is that firstly we already have inter-wiki links so that people can navigate between languages and translate if they're able. Secondly I was concerned that it would generate Yet Another Wiki when it is not at all certain we have the manpower to support one along those lines. The Strategy process was supposed to be international and I know there has been a translation effort and an attempt to support foreign speakers but I would be surprised if anyone felt that had been truly successful here. My prediction would be that such a global wiki would be virtually unused.

As you can see from some of the recommendations I've rated more highly, I'm very keen to see action to "conquer the world" as it were, but I don't feel the Global Thematic recommendation is going to help with that.

Bodnotbod13:40, 10 February 2010

Our idea was to create a critical mass currently missing, not to create an additional level of bureacracy. Behind the idea there are real problems, and we did not find a reasonable to solve these problems other than delegating them to thematic projects.

Yaroslav Blanter20:50, 10 February 2010