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Task force/Strategy

From Strategic Planning


From July 2009 through January 2010, there has been a tremendous amount of research and discussion on where Wikimedia currently is, where we would like to go, and how we might get there. The purpose of this Task Force is to be the central gathering point for further discussion and to write the draft five-year plan by April 30, 2010.


  1. What do we agree on?
  2. What are the gaps?
  3. Who should do what?


Membership of this Task Force will be open through February 28, 2010 to anyone who wishes to participate and who is willing to stay engaged in this process until the draft plan is complete. That means:

  • Reading and understanding the background material
  • Actively participating in discussion, and encouraging others to participate
  • Contributing to the synthesis of the plan and other materials (e.g. summaries of the discussion)

If you'd like to sign up, please add your name to the column on the right.

This Task Force will go through four three-week cycles. Toward the end of each cycle, it will re-assess where it's at, summarize key discussions, and discuss the plan for the next cycle.

Working Documents

Final summary