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Defining quality

Upload a file, then include as usual ([[media:Filename.jpg|right|thumb|200px|Description]] should do it). if you can't upload here then ask for help from whoever runs this wiki, or upload it to commons and hope through-links work :)

FT2 (Talk | email)04:25, 27 November 2009

thanks but that assumes I have uploaded files in the past and know how to do it. I have never uploaded images to Wikipedia.

the fact that anyone on this team said they "hope xxx works" is a huge statement about reliability factors on Wikipedia. that is a quality statement right there.

thanks FT2.

this interface should allow for us to easily share information, as noted below in the PAGE thread, this isnt working for me.

Bhneihouse18:47, 27 November 2009

Sorry, figured anyone here would probably be a long term user and likely have that experience. Quick guide (it's easy enough):

  1. There's an option, "Upload file", on the sidebar to the left. Click it.
  2. Choose the file to upload, and the name to give it (often the same, but you can change it). Give a brief description -- on the major reference wiki's there's a lot to go here, but for this one a brief note will do.
  3. Click the button to upload it.
  4. The image will appear once uploaded, on a "File:" page, eg "File:Mypicture.jpg".
  5. Include it as follows (simple usage):
  • To include full size: [[File:Mypicture.jpg]] (As simple as that)
  • To inclue it as a small "thumbnail" with a caption, that can be clicked for the full image: [[File:Mypicture.jpg|thumb|position|size|This is my picture.]]
    where position is left/center/right, size is usually in pixels (enter as 200px, 400px, etc) and the rest is a caption.

Hope that helps.

FT2 (Talk | email)23:34, 27 November 2009