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Proposal:Volunteer grant writing support

From Strategic Planning
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The status of this proposal is:
Request for Discussion / Sign-Ups

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How can the volunteer community make grant writing less paperwork for the office?


Let's find out and try to do a collaborative grant proposal to see how well it works in practice.


There are so many proposals. For example, the GLAMwiki proposal contemplates media sharing with 1,000 (g)alleries, (l)ibraries, (a)rchives, and (m)useums. Approaching that in an organized manner would be easier with a whole lot of money. But who in the office has time to write proposals to 1,000 institutions? If we developed a means for cooperative grant writing, we might have a hope of success in terms of wider coverage on projects which require money in addition to volunteer effort.

Key Questions

Which grants does the Foundation want to apply for?

Of those, what information is requested which volunteers could supply?

What is the best way for the office to review a volunteer-generated proposal before it is submitted to a funding institution?

Which is the best potential grant on which to try collaborative volunteer grant writing initially?

Is it reasonable and appropriate to provide a small remuneration for volunteers to claim if their grant proposal was accepted? If more than one volunteer helps collaborate on a grant proposal, how should such remuneration be divided?

Potential Costs

If this doesn't pay for itself in time and money, it should be abandoned.


Community Discussion

Do you have a thought about this proposal? A suggestion? Discuss this proposal by going to Proposal talk:Volunteer grant writing support.

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