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From Strategic Planning
Latest comment: 14 years ago by Eekim in topic This Wiki's Social Issues

Language and Culture

One of our key concerns is creating a multicultural space, so that this process is not totally Western- and English-centric. The question is how?

Some ideas:

  • Proactive outreach.
  • Leverage existing best practices from the community. Get people to translate the mechanics of this process early and often.
  • Call for Proposals process. What this does is allow people to engage in conversation in the space and language of their choice. When they're ready to propose something, they write a proposal, which can then be translated. This reduces the pressure to translate everything, which would be impossible anyway.
  • Reaching out to the college undergraduates for the translation works.
  • Reaching out to the (translation) Industries to recognize the individuals work experience with Wiki.

Negotiate with universities to support and collaborate with Wikipedia as a necessary part of their socio-educational interaction.

Students are eager to adding extra to their curriculum and with a valuable brand like Wikipedia-Media they could experience the live translation projects involved. This could be well supported by crediting them with certificates or the extra scores in their assessment process. This could be done via interacting with the universities and negotiating them for an inclusion of the live projects of Wikipedia.

Student’s can be from very basic to D.Litt. level to assist according to the requirement. Very basic student i.e. a sophomore can assist “Wiki” in proof reading of the spellings etc. Bachelor degree holders can look at the grammar side of the documents and Masters Degree doers and holders can look at the more advance grammar and citation part. The still higher like Master in Philosophy, Doctorate of Philosophy doers can assist in editing the articles for the academic value and validity in the matter explanation.

For credit issues a sensible amount of work done should be fixed. Like a certain amount of work done is necessary to get some “X” number of scoring in the assessment in the academic season. It is something like an internship for professional students. To get the valued recognition like an industry recognized certificate or a something like that the number of years or days and amount of work assisted to should be fixed.

Organizing of tests or examinations to sort out the candidates from the universities to assist in the projects can be carried out. (This will help in increasing the value based recognition and “Proud to be associated with Wiki---” feels. Of course the finance needed for conducting such exams can be collected via examination fees.)

Industry can be targeted with the sponsorships of the events like Wiki -awareness and the associated Wiki –page with some minimum amount. Industry/Organization page can be written by the industry/organization people itself. This will be something like non-monetary sponsorships

There are lots of individual translation firms who somehow have taken reference from Wikipedia for the validity of information in the project they are working with.

One can search them and allot them some of the work via personal contacts, appeals, and banners.

  • Target the countries for donation appeals in their local currency value. Like for Indian donor $10 is equivalent to Rs.500/- which means lots of money to say it is 20liters of milk, sufficient for one person for a month. A person from India cannot donate Rs500/-a month but average Indian individual can donate Rs.200/- in a year that is as low as Rs.20/- a month. Targeting low amount donation on huge masses consistently can also result good finance generation.

This Wiki's Social Issues

This wiki

  • regularly slips into the second person,
    Please fix this when you see it. (No irony intended.) --Eekim 14:43, 13 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
  • has no input yet from the Advisory Board
    EthanZ added some Key Questions. Clay's planning on submitting some proposals. I've talked to several advisors, and am working my way through several more. I'd like to see them be more active. Please help get them and others engaged! --Eekim 14:43, 13 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
  • has little input from the historically active strategic contributors on Meta
    I think we've gotten little input from anyone. A site notice will go up later today, and we need to think of other ways to get folks engaged. Ideas? --Eekim 14:43, 13 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
  • There is a strong systematic bias to this site -- it was partly intended this way. The existing bias (among the groups who have been actively reached out to and invited here) should be recognized, and a systemic bias project should be an active part of planning so that this process doesn't set such bias in stone
    True of all Wikis, no? What are ways we can avoid this, beyond actively thinking about Process/Outreach? --Eekim 14:43, 13 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
    • develop a list of wikimedians / outsiders to invite/engage/follow through this process.
    Please add to Process/Outreach. --Eekim 14:43, 13 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
    • identify areas where the main thrust of discussion has already been framed by outside forces, and remind contributors that they can change the frame.
    "Outside forces"? Don't understand this; please clarify. --Eekim 14:43, 13 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
  • A lot of effort has been put into new processes and channels for idea generation : a new wiki, forms and templates. Yet almost none has gone into identifying, aggregating, organizing, and amplifying 8 years of existing work, on meta, the top 10 wikis, and the like.
    I very much hope this will happen. Lots of ways to integrate: links out to previous work, proposals, etc. Other ideas? --Eekim 14:43, 13 August 2009 (UTC)Reply