Emerging strategic priorities/fr

Un Groupe de Travail sera composé d'un petit groupe mise en service en Octobre 2009 dont le but est d'explorer un sujet stratégique unique et de sortir avec une série de recommandations en Décembre 2009.
Chaque groupe aura ~ 5 membres d'équipe et sera soutenu par un groupe de conseillers aux compétences spécifiques. En raison de la nature de l'analyse en profondeur, les membres du Groupe de Travail devront consacrer en moyenne 10 heures par semaine à partir du 1er Octobre 2009 au 18 Décembre 2009.
La Foundation Wikimedia a nommé un Comité de sélection qui sera chargé de déterminer qui siégera dans chaque groupe de travail et ce sur quoi ils travailleront.
Élargissement de la Portée
PSE 1. Au sein des grandes populations déjà bien connectées
Déterminer la façon d'augmenter considérablement la consommation et la participation dans les grandes régions géographiques dont la population de langue de grande taille (> 50 millions de locuteurs), où les projets Wikimedia sont actuellement sous-performant par rapport au potentiel. (Potentiel = grand nombre d'alphabétisés, éduqués, les gens connectés à Internet.)
- Groupe de Travail PSE 1
- Amélioration de la performance en Chine - Comment réaliser le plein potentiel des projets Wikimédia parmi les plus de 300 millions de Chinois, de relever les défis de l'ouverture et de la concurrence. Les projets Wikimedia ne sont pas performants en Chine tant en termes de portée que de participation, principalement parce que les projets ont souvent été inaccessibles en Chine, et parce que d'autres sites s'y sont développées qui couvrent une partie du travail que nous faisons. L'objectif du groupe de travail sera de comprendre comment les projets Wikimedia peuvent accroître la portée et la participation au coeur de la Chine. This task force will focus solely on Chinese people who have internet access. Ce groupe de travail se concentrera uniquement sur le peuple chinois qui ont accès à Internet. Notez que ce groupe devrait bénéficier d'un sondage auprès des lecteurs chinois et les éditeurs, ainsi que les non-lecteurs.
- Améliorer les performances de l'Inde - Comment réaliser le plein potentiel des projets Wikimédia parmi les les plus de 100 millions d'Indiens avec l'ensemble de leur diversité (langues en particulier). Les projets Wikimedia ne sont pas performant en Inde à la fois en termes de portée et de participation, ce qui est en quelque sorte surprenant parce que bon nombre des facteurs généralement indicateurs de réussite pour Wikimédia sont présents en Inde: un grand nombre d'analphabètes, les gens sont connectés à Internet, valeurs de la liberté d'expression et d'enseignement dans la culture indienne, tech-centrique et tech-positifs par rapport à beaucoup d'autres régions du monde. Il existe de nombreux facteurs contribuant à la sous-performance de la fondation Wikimédia en Inde: elles englobent probablement des questions culturelles, le manque de sensibilisation des projets Wikimedia, et les questions linguistiques. Le but de ce groupe de travail sera de comprendre comment les projets Wikimedia peuvent accroître la portée et la participation au coeur de l'Inde. Ce groupe de travail se concentrera uniquement sur les Indiens qui ont accès à Internet. Notez que ce groupe devrait bénéficier d'un sondage auprès des lecteurs et des éditeurs indiens, plus les non-lecteurs.
Cette priorité stratégique émergents a été explorée en profondeur dans le document Expand reach within large, well-connected populations.
Note: Les questions clés qui se rapportent à ce groupe de travail et à leur priorité peut être trouvé ici..
ESP 2. Au sein des populations moyennement ou insuffisamment connectées
Déterminer la façon d'augmenter considérablement l'usage et la participation, dans de grandes régions géographiques, par des populations ayant une langue moyennement répandue (5M à 30 millions de locuteurs), où les projets Wikimedia sont actuellement sous-développés par rapport aux possibilités. (Possibilité = le nombre d'alphabétisés, éduqués, connectés à Internet)
Étudier la possibilité d'atteindre de grandes régions géographiques avec des populations utilisant des langues largement et moyennement répandues ayant peu ou pas d'accès à Internet.
- ESP 2 Task Forces
- Improving performance in Middle East & North Africa (Arabic languages) - There are 1 billion native Arabic speakers in the world across a range of countries. Wikimedia has started to grow in Arabic and the question is how to reach full potential. The purpose of this task force is to identify barriers to reach and participation in the Arabic-language projects, and figure out how to increase reach and participation. Note this task force would benefit from a survey of Arabic-language readers and editors, plus non-readers.
- Local Languages Task Force - There are 78 languages used daily by greater than 10M speakers representing almost 5 billion people. Wikimedia has mixed success in creating vibrant language sites. What are the approaches and models that will enable broadening and deepening of Wikimedia in these languages. This task force will focus on increasing usage and participation among widely-used languages which are underperforming relative to other widely-used languages. (For the purposes of this task force, we will focus on the highest-potential languages -- e.g., languages with the largest numbers of literate, Internet-connected people speaking them on a daily basis.) The purpose of this task force is to identify barriers-to-usage and barriers-to-participation that are common to many or all highest-potential languages, not including Chinese, the Indian languages, and Arabic, which are being covered by other task forces -- and to figure out how to increase reach and participation in those languages. Note this task force might benefit from a carefully-designed cross-language survey.
- Connecting Wikimedia to those without or with limited Internet access - The knowledge available in Wikimedia's projects is accessible primarily to those on the Internet. There are close to 5 billion - almost all disadvantaged - people who are unconnected to Wikimedia. Wikimedians have created a range of initiatives to take Wikimedia offline and/or into new forms. How might Wikimedia create platforms/initiatives/partnerships for accessibility at a scale that can bring billions more into the Wikimedia community. We assume that eventually, everybody will be online (why?? Lkcl 22:34, 30 September 2009 (UTC)). The job of this task force is to develop a short and medium term strategy for making Wikimedia project material available to people who are not currently connected to the Internet. Note this task force might benefit from a survey of NGO-type organizations and individuals working with less-connected populations, and/or from some targeted deep interviews with same.
Key questions related to this strategic priority can be found here.
Improving Quality Content
ESP 3. Expansion of available high quality information
Review and evaluate the potential for Wikimedia to significantly increase the quality and scope of content available, including the evaluation of current projects that exist or new projects that need to be built as well as the implications for quality control mechanisms in these areas.
- ESP 3 Task Forces
- Improve quality and quality assurance processes - How should Wikimedia both continue to ensure and improve quality of knowledge and increase transparency of quality. The scope of this work group will cover both "social" and technical ways to improve quality: for example, how can Wikimedia best engage with schools and subject-matter experts to improve quality, as well as quality-labelling/supporting tools such as Flagged Revs and article assessment/rating tools. This discussion may include non-textual contributions, as well (such as images and videos).
- Toward the sum of all knowledge in the encyclopedia, project and beyond - Where are the big opportunities for knowledge growth (e.g., education, news, others) that build on Wikimedia's approaches, tools and commnuity
Note: Key questions related to this strategic priority can be found here.
Enhancing Community
ESP 4. Strengthen the community
Determine how to strengthen the health and build the diversity of the contributors to Wikimedia's projects through increased conversion of readers, increased diversity, improved community health and culture, and increased emphasis on building specific under-represented community groups
- ESP 4 Task Forces
- Improve reader conversion: It's normal for participatory online projects to have many more readers than participants, and there are lots of good justifications for why participation (as a proportion of readers) in the Wikimedia projects might be lower than in projects with a more social or open-ended purpose, and/or projects that target people in wealthy parts of the world. Nonetheless, Wikimedia aspires to make available "the sum total of all human knowledge," and the larger our pool of participants, the closer we will be to achieving that goal. The purpose of this task force is to identify, and develop a strategy for fixing, whatever barriers are keeping readers from participating. Note this task force would benefit from a survey of non-editing readers.
- Improve diversity: Wikimedia aspires to collect and share the sum total of all human knowledge. For us to do that well, we need a diverse array of contributors. To date, the core Wikimedia editor demographic is well-educated, tech-centric, non-partnered, childless young men in developed countries. Over time, the community of editors has become more insular and less friendly to newcomers. The purpose of this task force is to investigate ways to increase participation among groups that are currently under-represented in the Wikimedia community. Note this task force would benefit from a survey of non-editing readers (focusing analysis on respondents who are under-represented within the community) as well as focus groups and interviews.
- Enhance community health and culture: The goal of this task force is to develop a strategy for retention and good community health: how can Wikimedia ensure an active, healthy core community of editors. Note this task force might benefit from a survey of current and former editors, and/or some in-depth interviews.
- Simplify and reduce policy proliferation: This task force will also look into wiki-lawyering, policy proliferation, and the picking up or cross-pollination of policies from more mature projects to newer projects and the potential for stiffling growth and innovation for these newer projects.
- Increase contribution from groups with high potential to add value task force: The goal of this task force is identify high-potential groups that could add value to the Wikimedia projects.
This emerging strategic priority has been explored in depth at Strengthen the community.
Note: Key questions for this ESP can be found here.
ESP 5. Optimize Wikimedia's operations
Determine how the various Wikimedia players can best work together, and with external parties, to advance the mission in terms of: organizational structure, governance, roles between staff and volunteers.
Determine sources for financial sustainability.
Determine path forward for continuous technological improvement and advancement.
- ESP 5 Task Forces
- Movement roles – How can the various Wikimedia players best work together to advance the mission. Key questions include: In a volunteer-driven organization, what types of work are volunteers best-suited to, and what types of work are paid staff best-suited to (what is the most effective role of paid staff). What is the most effective role of the chapters in advancing the mission. What organizational structures are required to advance the mission, but are currently missing, and how can they be fostered and developed. What is the role of loose or informal organizational structures, and how can they be supported and how should money be moved among organizational structures and individual Wikimedians, to maximally advance our shared work.
- Financial sustainability - What are the options available to Wikimedia to either generate income to support the work of Wikimedia on a sustainable basis in perpetuity?
- Alliances and partnerships – How can the Wikimedia movement best partner up with other institutions and organizations to advance the mission (e.g., partnerships with businesses, foundations and educational/informational institutions, to increase distribution, encourage participation, or increase quality). What kinds of partnerships will advance the mission most, and who should lead their development. What are the necessary preconditions and how can we ensure they're in place. Note this task force might benefit from a survey of current/potential partners, and/or some in-depth interviews.
- Innovation and usability – How can the Wikimedia movement ensure continual innovation and usability so its work is maximally useful for intended recipients.
- Technology and ops - What is the infrastructure and dev community required to evolve Wikimedia platform for great scale, usability and format.
- Advocacy agenda – Fulfillment of the Wikimedia mission is dependent on unimpeded global access to information online. How can the Wikimedia movement best shape and influence public perception and public policy, internationally, in order to support development of an environment conducive to its work.
Note: Key questions related to this emerging priority can be found here.
Task Force Mandate
The Task Forces will have the mandate to:
- Convene on their assigned topic
- Consult the guiding paper, fact bases and summary interview notes already developed in Phase 1 of this strategy project
- Consult with advisors
- Conduct additional primary (interviews, focus groups) and secondary research (reports, statistics) as needed
- Develop preliminary findings
- Formulate tentative conclusions
- Propose recommendations
- Report on the assigned topic
NOTE: Mandates will be finalized by the Selection Committee
In support of these mandates, each Task Force will be given the following:
- Set of strategic questions which should guide their work
- Contact list of topic advisors who would be willing to provide input
- Guiding paper which identifies and provides supporting evidence for strategic priorities
- In depth fact bases on Reach, Content, and Participation, including detailed data analyses
- Tools and templates to support conducting interviews, doing analyses, and creating the final deliverable
Task Force Selection Process
Task Force participants will be chosen from an open application process. People may apply to serve on a task force from September 16 through September 25, 2009, or until 2,000 applications are submitted, whichever comes first. Additionally, the Selection Committee may invite others to participate in the process.
The Task Force Selection Committee along with volunteers will go through a deliberation process on a private Wiki to determine the appropriate task forces. This will be a two step process. The first step will be an initial screen to create a task force pool. The second step will be assignment to a specific Task Force either as a Task Force member or advisor.
In step 1, all applications will be reviewed and scored 1 to X based on a set of criteria. A minimum of 2 reviews for each application will be done and the scores averaged. The goal for step 1 is to identify a potential pool of ~200 applicants for step 2.
In step 2, the Selection Committee and volunteers will draft a top list of applicants per Task Force based on fit criteria. After each Task Force has been drafted, there will be a balancing done across Task Forces to ensure, as best as possible, equal distribution of expertise and skill. Once this private deliberation has been done, Task Force assignments will be posted and assigned members and advisors contacted.
It is anticipated this announcement will take place on October 5, 2009.
Task Force Work
Each Task Force will be expected to do their work on this Wiki. They may also decide to use other tools to coordinate their work. They will be able to work in any mutually agreed upon language. However, final work products will be expected in English (to be translated into other languages).
The Selection Committee will ask one participant on each Task Force to serve as the group's facilitator, who will be responsible for facilitating conversation, keeping the group on track, and making sure the group fulfills its responsibilities.
Task Forces will produce:
- Weekly status reports here on the wiki
- Recommendations of strategic priorities for their specific topic area, with supporting facts and requirements. A first draft of these recommendations will be due on November 20, 2009. The final draft will be due on December 18, 2009.
Open Community Process
The Task Forces described above will do their work openly on this wiki, subject to the same processes inherent in any open wiki. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to engage constructively in the work of the different Task Forces.
Additionally, while the Task Forces described above will be appointed by a selection team, we see no reason why motivated individuals should not be able to use the same tools and templates to form their own Task Forces. We'd encourage these groups to share their work openly on this wiki as well.