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Стратегически Въпроси

  1. How will Wikimedia expand its reach from current ~1/20th of global population to reach its vision of “every single human being”?
    Approximately 3.5 billion people can read a Wikipedia with over one hundred thousand articles in their own language, approximately 4.8 billion people can read a Wikipedia with over ten thousand articles in their own language. (On the presumption of access to a computer with internet connection.)
  2. How can/should Wikimedia prioritize different reach populations?
  3. What initiatives can Wikimedia undertake to extend their reach? How should they prioritize these initiatives?

Supporting Analysis Questions

This section contains questions and analysis about Wikimedia users

This section contains question and analysis related to developing an adoption curve for Wikimedia projects

This section contains questions and analysis about Wikimedia nonusers

This section contains questions and analysis about opportunities to increase Wikimedia's penetration


Wikimedia produced statistics


  • ComScore data on Wikimedia
    • ComScore has an opt-in panel of two million internet users around the globe and uses a range of statistical techniques to create an internally consistent portrait of the global internet audience. However it is important to note that they do not estimate users who access the Internet via Internet cafés, and people below age 15, therefore, their statistics will not be representative of certain populations
    • It includes a breakdown of Wikimedia users by project, language, age, geography, and portal
    • PDF of ComScore trends data over time

Wikipedia survey

  • Pew Internet and American Life Project [1]
    • This website contains a wide variety of reports based on the pew Center for American life Internet use survey which covers the United States.
    • Wikipedia use survey results 2007
      • In 2007 the pew Internet and American life Project added a question to their survey about people's Wikipedia use. This report is a demographic breakdown of Wikipedia it users in the United States
    • Wikipedia use survey results 2008
      • This provides the responses from the Pew Internet and the American life survey regarding Wikipedia use
  • Motivation of contributors to Wikipedia German survey
    • This webpage lists all the different articles and presentations based off of a survey of German Wikipedia contributors

International Telecommunication Union

  • (A UN agency) ITU Homepage
    • This website provides a variety of reports and statistics about telecommunications globally.
    • Measuring the Information Society the ICT Development Index
      • This report ranks countries based on their ICT development using broad categories, ICT access, ICT use, and ICT skills ( measured by literacy, secondary education and tertiary education)
        Wikipedia reach and participation correlates strongly with the ICT Development Indices in this ITU report. Languages spoken in countries with a high ICT Development Index have a Wikipedia with a greater number of articles than languages spoken in countries with a low ICT Development index. The report does highlight that this is not only due to differences in national income. Relative price (ICT cost as percentage of monthly per capita income) is a strong driver of ICT development, a lower relative price corresponding with a high ICT development and a high relative price corresponding with a low ICT development. Conclusion for the Wikimedia movement to extend reach in under served areas is to help lower the relative price of ICT in those areas. Please note also that this report high lights that already in 2007 over 4 billion people have a mobile phone, compared to only 1.7 billion fixed lines. And note that internet access level in sub Sahara Africa is one tenth of the internet access level in the Western world.


  • The Richness and Reach of Wikinomics: Is the Free Web-Based Encyclopedia Wikipedia Only for the Rich Countries? By Morten Rask article link
    • This article uses the human development indicator published by the UN to analyze the economic development level of Wikipedia users


Please Participate!

Discuss Task Force Recommendations (en).
Contribute to our knowledge-base, Wikimedia-pedia (en).
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Featured Content:

Please help review and edit Wikimedia's 5-year strategic priorities.
Expand reach within large, well-connected populations (en)

A "be bold" campaign

How do I get involved?

At this point in the process, we've collected questions and proposals: now it's time to discuss them and to see how they tie to a greater vision. Below are a few links that might be of interest.

Questions that need answers (en) is a great place to start the discussion.

»  Къде трябва да отиде Уикимедия? (en)
»  Покана за предложения
»  What are the task forces?
»  Как да участвате
»  What can I do to help on the wiki? (en)

How does this process work?