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Where should Wikimedia go? (Archived)/en

From Strategic Planning

Where should we be in five years?

As an initial foray exploration into this question, we'd encourage you to capture key questions and make proposals. We'd also encourage you to help organize what's already there.


Our vision is "a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge." This is achievable through, among other things, the continued health, cultivation and growth of the Wikimedia community.

We are trying to identify core questions to help frame this discussion, which encompasses an enormous variety of topics. These include:

  • What are the biggest potential opportunities for impact in pursuit of reaching "every single human being"? How to extend reach?
  • What are the biggest potential opportunities for impact to "sum of all human knowledge"? How to extend quality?
the word "sum" implies quantity -- how can we expand quantity? 01:28, 5 October 2009 (UTC)
  • What opportunities enable the continued health, cultivation, and growth of a vibrant community needed to achieve this vision? How to extend participation?

Extending Reach

Several hundred proposals have been submitted. Those proposals have been categorized. The following categories of proposals might relate to reach:

Extending Quality

Several hundred proposals have been submitted. Those proposals have been categorized. The following categories of proposals might relate to quality:

Extending Participation

Several hundred proposals have been submitted. Those proposals have been categorized. The following categories of proposals might relate to participation:

Strategy wiki navigation

Please Participate!

Discuss Task Force Recommendations.
Contribute to our knowledge-base, Wikimedia-pedia.
Spread the word.

Featured Content:

Please help review and edit Wikimedia's 5-year strategic priorities.
Expand reach within midsize and under-connected populations

Be nice

How do I get involved?

At this point in the process, we've collected questions and proposals: now it's time to discuss them and to see how they tie to a greater vision. Below are a few links that might be of interest.

Questions that need answers is a great place to start the discussion.
»  Where should Wikimedia go? | Call for proposals
»  What are the task forces? | How to participate
»  What can I do to help on the wiki?

How does this process work?