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Call for participation/Appeal letter/et

From Strategic Planning

On raske uskuda, eit vähem kui 10 aastat tagasi, Vikipeediat ei olnud olemas. Praegu kasutab seda 330 miljonit inimest iga kuu ning Vikipeediast on saanud maailma kõige rohkem kasutatud veebipõhine entsüklopeedia. Sajad tuhanded vabatahtlikud on erinevaid Wikimedia projekte töös hoidnud 8 aastat.

Kuigi me oleme palju saavutanud, on meil veel pikk tee ajani, mil kõik inimesed saaksid vabalt omavahel jagada kogu maailma inimeste tarkust. How can we build on our success to overcome the challenges that lie ahead? Vähem kui viiendikul Maa elanikkonnast on Internet kättesaadav. Kuigi sajad tuhanded vabatahtlikud on andnud oma osa Wikimediale ei esinda nad maailma mitmekesisust täielikult. Ees on palju teid loomaks ülemaailmset vaba teadmiste jagamist.

We are starting a year-long process to develop a strategic plan for the Wikimedia movement. Specifically, we are trying to understand:

  • Kus me oleme praegu?
  • Kus me tahame olla viie aasta pärast?
  • Kuidas me sealt sinna saame?

Aita mei leida vastused nendele küsimustele. Explore them, break them down, reflect on what they mean for our vision and our values. Here are five ways you can help:

  • Join a task force. We are organizing task forces that will explore different topics and produce a set of recommendations related to them. Apply to participate, or form your own ad-hoc groups.
  • Let us know how you can help. If you are an expert in one of the subjects we are dealing with, add yourself to our expert database. This will allow task forces and other volunteers to reach you with questions, and you can respond when you have time.
  • Publish your ideas. Write a proposal on the strategy wiki, and help organize and improve the proposals that are already there. Post ideas on your blog, on mailing lists, and on social networks like Identi.ca, Twitter, and Facebook. Tag those posts with #wikimedia or link to them on the strategy wiki so that others can see them.
  • Host conversations about strategy. In order to develop good plans, we need broad participation. There is no way that the task forces can talk to everyone who has ideas about Wikimedia's future. This is where you can help: host your own conversations about strategy, in person or online, and publish the results on the strategy wiki. There are templates and tools for hosting strategy sessions strategy:on the strategy Wiki.
  • Talk to us. Give feedback to the strategy team. Tell us your ideas, your hopes, your fears, your goals for the projects. Add feedback to the strategy Wiki, or send an email to strategywikimedia.org.

If you cannot participate, will you consider making a donation to support this critical project? A donation will directly support our global free knowledge programs. We also need volunteers to contribute to our projects, improve our technology, and support our work in other ways.

This century has presented us with an amazing opportunity to transform our civilization, and to create equal opportunities for all human beings. We hope you can join us in our work of sharing knowledge with every person on the planet.

Michael Snow
Chair, Wikimedia Foundation
Jimmy Wales
Founder of Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation

Email responder

Thank you for emailing the Wikimedia Foundation's strategy development team. Your email has been received and will be read as quickly as possible. We will soon contact individuals selected for a task force. You are also free to create a task force on your own, using the materials on the strategy wiki (http://strategy.wikimedia.org) to report back your findings and recommendations.

Best wishes, and thank you for your willingness to help.



  • et/eesti (progress)
  • Help build the future of {{SITENAME}} and its sister projects! <br /> <a href="http://volunteer.wikimedia.org">Read a letter</a> from Jimmy Wales and Michael Snow.


Read a letter from Michael Snow and Jimmy Wales.


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